Bourke 106.5 Lightning Ridge 96.1 Walgett 102.7 Brewarrina 106.5 Goodooga 97.7 Wellmoringle 100.5
Bourke Indigenous Art Gallery -- NOW OPEN
All Local Works
Run by Local Artists For Local Artists
Where will we be ?
On Oxley Street, in the heart of Bourke's shopping area, between the Chemist and the Commonwealth Bank
The land and buildings at 26 Oxley St, Bourke, have been purchased as an aboriginal art and culture gallery and centre. The premises has, in the past, been used for a two-year period for this identical purpose and was found to be ideal in both location and capacity.
This project has been enthusiastically embraced by the community and has many co-contributors including Bourke Shire Council, Muda Aboriginal Corporation, Bourke Arts Council, Outback Arts and others. These organisations will also be co-contributors to the ongoing operations.
The majority of the funding for this project has come from the NSW Government under a Create NSW grant.
Gallery Artists